Use this special toolkit to create or modify exciting sailing areas for Sail Simulator 4.2 (or higher).
The setup of the toolkit installs the following programs:
* DEM builder 1.2 to create DEM's in *.STD format that can be used by the Scenery Builder Supported formats: *.STD (Stentec), *.DEM (Vista Pro), *.BT (VT builder), *.TXT (ASCII Elevation), *.BMP (256 color grayscale bitmap)
* VT Builder transforms USGS and other DEM formats to *.BT format that can be used by DEM Builder
* Scenery Builder 1.1 reads *.STD format created by DEM Builder. Color the scenery, add VRML objects in*.WRL format. An object library is included with buoys, jetties, etc. Creates and registers sailing areas for Sail Simulator 4.2 or higher including a navigation chart.